Introduction: Touchless Dog Hand Wash off Timer (Ready-made in Fusion 360)

COVID-19 makes us devastated, particularly we should weigh making our living cleansing agent and more sanitized than in front. CDC always recommends America to wash our hand regularly and properly that can deliver our lives. The CDC guideline for good washing hands is that we should scrub our hands for about 20 seconds. For more information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention guideline, click present. In that location are so many projects out there regarding touchless five-needled machines to assistant us combat this pandemic. In this dispute, I want to give a touchless turn over wash timer combining with lights, music, and a creative enclosure that successful my family and me captivated to use IT.

This project is and then simple to make and use. When we wave our hand in front of the ultrasonic sensor, information technology volition turn of events on the light, come out from common, and last with red. Moreover, to make believe this hand wash timer Sir Thomas More interesting and fascinating is that I add a jingle that will sing to you for about 20 seconds in accordance with the CDC road map. Actually, CDC recommends using Happy Natal day jingle for scrubbing our hands. We fanny transfer the jingles with any music as we desired and platform it, so it will have a 20-second continuance of jingles. Since my favorite animal is sheep, I used "Baa Baa Black Sheep" jingles for my manus wash timer.

This split up I am an 8th grader, who studies online schooling. You toilet find my enclosure design in Thingiverse and myminifactory. For the code, you can find in my blog.


Materials and tools that we need for this imag:

Arduino Nano

Ultrasonic sensor

6 LEDs (1 green, 2 whites, 1 dishonourable, 1 blue, and 1 bolshy LED)

Loudspeaker (you can use some talker you have OR Piezzo buzzer. I used a loudspeaker system from my old and unused headset)

Battery holder (for 3 AAA Batteries with built-in substitution)

3 Abdominal aortic aneurysm Batteries

Small Perf plug-in (2 x 8 atomic number 96)

Large Breadboard and jump shot wire male to manlike (for epitome)

3D Printer and slicer

PLA Filum (Green and red)

Foam for the speaker (actually you do non have to do this. My speaker's foam was injured out when I do around trimming in speaker unit, so I impart another foam to cover the speaker system)

Physical phenomenon Wires

Electrical tape

Solder conducting wire

Hot gum

Phillips Oval Head Tapping Screws (4 pcs)

Spray Paints (Green and red)


Bonding gunslinger

Desoldering pump

Makita Drill

Bore Bits

Philips screwdriver


Dremel Sander

Iron Hacksaw

Vise jaws

Double tape

Step 1: Wiring and Nonrepresentational

This is the whole idea for this project. We testament connect Arduino Nano with an ultrasonic sensor, speaker, LEDs, and battery holder. The ultrasonic sensing element has 4 legs in it. Connect Clean-cut to D12 pin Arduino Nano. Echo leg is connected to D11pin Arduino Nano. VCC connects to 5V Arduino Nano. Gnd connects to the Ground pin in Arduino Nano. Then, plug in the cocksure leg of the LED with Arduino Nano. Here are the breakdowns of the connecting electrify:

Green LED connects to D7 immobilise Arduino Nano.

White LED1 connects to D6 pin Arduino Nano.

White LED2 connects to D5 pin Arduino Nano.

Yellow LED connects to D4 pin Arduino Nano.

Blue LED connects to D3 stick Arduino Nano.

Red LED connects to D2 pin Arduino Nano.

Connect the negative leg of LED to the ground pin in Arduino Nano. Wiring the speaker with a red wire as positive and black conducting wire as negative. The positive wire of the speaker is connected to D8 pin Arduino Nano and the negative wire is connected to the Ground pin in Arduino Nano. Lastly, connect the components with a power source. Here, I used 3 AAA Battery with the battery bearer and built-in switch. Relate the positive to Vin in Arduino Nano and antagonistic to ground in Arduino Nano.

For your information, there are ii pins of ground in Arduino Nano. You can use dry land pin in digital and analog either way.

Here is the image of nonrepresentational for the project that I successful in Fritzing.

Pace 2: Understanding Code

Of course you will need some codes to make this project work on. For viewing the encode, you could download the code in my Web log. Simply you should download the pitch library likewise.

First, we should define the echo and trim pins in Arduino Nano.

int echoPin = 11; int trigPin = 12;            

We set up the peg mode for trigPin and echoPin as output and stimulation, respectively.

void setup() {   for (int i = 2; i <= 7; i++) {     pinMode (i, OUTPUT);   }      pinMode (trigPin, Production);   pinMode (echoPin, Stimulus);     }            

Create the loop to govern the Ultrasonic Sensor to measurement outstrip and reads the plumbed data. If the distance is 15 cm, hand wash timer becomes triggered.

void loop() {   digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);   delayMicroseconds(2);   digitalWrite(trigPin, Advanced);   delayMicroseconds(10);   digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);   durationus = pulseIn(echoPin, Screechy);   outdistance = (durationus * .0343) / 2;    // This condition is to determine an object with a distance of 15 centimeters.   if (distance > 0 && distance <= 15) {ledmelodytimer();} }            

For the jangle, I searched the notes of Baa Blate Scapegrace birdsong on Pinterest. See the persona. The left side is the ordinary note of the strain that I searched from this germ. On the right-handed side, I input the notes as listed in the pitch library. The pitch library contains notes from C4 until C7. I choose #4 for the octave. The greater the turn of octaves is, the higher the pitch shot is. It is entirely up to you to choose the musical octave. You lavatory play around to create different pitches of the jingle. For note continuance, I used the number of 2, 4, and 8, which meant half-bank note, quarter-annotation, and ordinal-note, severally. You can change the jingle A you like.

Step 3: Project Prototype

It is clock to piss a image for the task to cause sure the project succeeds smoothly. I used large breadboard and pinny wires manlike to staminate to connect Arduino Nano with separate components because it is same easy to make this without bonding. But before connecting with a power reference of battery, it is punter to use a power source from a computer. By victimisation a USB cable, connect the prototype with the computer. Upload the code.

Step 4: How It Works

The orbicular idea for this deal wash timer is that when your hand is waving in front of the ultrasonic sensor, it will lighten the LED happening, go from the green LED, and ending with the red Light-emitting diode. Simultaneously, it will sing a doggerel for a continuance of 20 seconds. After succeeding in downloading the encrypt, it is metre for testing with the battery power author.

Step 5: Enclosure

We testament make the enclosure for this picture. Before connecting and soldering, I prepared the size of the natural enclosure overall. To make this, I victimized Fusion 360. For the easier enclosure, I searched connected Google for the dog silhouette image. Save it in .jpg or .png file. Convert the image to .svg file. I misused this converter.

Step 6: Resume

Insert the SVG file into Fusion 360 by clicking the insert tab and choose to insert SVG. Before you can introduce your SVG file, you should select the plane first. After that, superior your file and if you are satisfied, click ok. Directly you have a dog survey in your sketch area. Next, finish the sketch.

Step 7: Prominence

Extrude the outline for 50 millimetre and choose the operation to spic-and-span personify.

Dance step 8: Grading

Because the overall sizes (for x and y) are too small, exactly scale it with the scale agent As you in demand. For the resize is barely for x and y (length and breadth), so select the scale type to non-uniform and input the scale for x and y weighing machine, where the z scale remains the same.

Step 9: Shell

Shell the inner of the mannequin. Take the inside direction and input the thickness as you desired. Mine is 5 mm. Click ok.

Mistreat 10: Details-Tongue

For creative thinking, add some details to the model, such As tongue, eyes and mouth. To make up tongue, use form and select box. Play around with the form until you form a tongue model.

Step 11: Details- Eyes

You need to make a hole for the eyes. Later, we want to make eyes out of an supersonic sensor. For doing this, economic consumption a sketch and make deuce circles away using center diameter circle with a diameter of 17 millimetre and the distance between two circles is 10 mm. Finish the sketch. Extrude information technology by selecting a cut operation.

Step 12: Details- Lip

Do the same as the early step for creating the speak. The only difference is that we only need one circle and the diam is bigger than previous ones. For this diameter, you need to measure your speaker unit's diameter. I used 44 millimeter for the diameter. Finish the sketch and extrude information technology with the cut operation.

Step 13: Details- for the Screws

You have to make rooms for holding the screws. For this, just make circle sketch and attach to the body. Make reliable you have to measure how big your screws are. Project the pictures. I made four rooms for holding the screws.

Pace 14: Stand

We have to make put u, so the model is more lasting. Make rectangle in the sketch and squeeze out IT. Make sure the rectangle should come with the model.

Step 15: Back Part

For the back part, make a copy from the social movement part, but remove all the holes.

Step 16: Hole for Assault and battery Holder's Cable television service

Make a hole in the back part for electric battery holder's cable by creating circle in the sketch. Extrude IT away victimization the cut operation.

Step 17: Finish Modeling

Today it is time to rendering the model. I take green painting coloring for the all the trunk and ruby-red for the tongue. You are done creating your enclosing.

Step 18: Impression

Save the modelling to STL files and export IT. You should have 3 bodies for this pattern, which are the presence part, hindmost part, and tongue. Print it. For printing the frontmost and back parts, I used 0.2 mm of layer height, 20% infill, no raft and without support. For printing the natural language, I victimized 0.2 mm of layer to, 20% infill, brim and support with density of 12 %. Total printing is about 11.5 hours and worn-out most 53.5 meters long of PLA filament.

Step 19: Polishing After Printing-1

After printing, we should polish it because the printing result is non so smooth. Fill the gap with wood filler. Look until it parched. Grit it with emery paper and Dremel Electric sander until all the surfaces are quiet.

Step 20: Polishing Afterward Printing-2

Past, paint IT with spray paint. I used green color. You derriere choose your color as you like.

Step 21: Trim the Speaker

Speaker is too big to place inside the enclosure. I clipped it by using iron hacksaw. The result of this trimming is that the speaker's edges are overly sharp, so I smooth IT with Dremel sander.

Step 22: Preparation of Soldering

Collect all the components for this project. See the picture. Solder wires to the utterer.

Tone 23: Wiring the Component-LEDs

Best, we penury to connect all the LEDs. To pass naif, I used a small perf board (2 x 8 cm). Arrange the LEDs into matchless straight blood with commons, snowy, white, yellow, blue, and red LEDs systematic. Solder the LEDs to the perf board and connect the negative legs unitedly. Solder each of positive legs of LED to electrical wire unitary by one. Test the LEDs first by using mint cell battery CR2032 for each LED to realise sure as shootin all LEDs work.

Step 24: Holes for LEDs

Measure the holes and mark IT. By using Makita drill, drill six holes for LEDs in the enclosure. Smooth the rough edges.

Step 25: Holes for Screws

By using Makita drill, drill four holes for screws in the back part of enclosure.

Step 26: Wiring the Component

Connect the positive legs of LEDs to Arduino Nano. Then, connect Arduino Nano with the ultrasonic sensor. Lastly, connect utterer and battery holders to the electrical circuit. See the connectedness as I honorable mention previously or you could regard my formal above. Mount all component to the enclosure properly. Tidy the telegram. Make sure before connecting the battery holder, you should insert the cable of the battery bearer to the muddle in the back part.

Whole step 27: Close the Enclosure

Close the enclosure with Phillips oval head teacher tapping screws separately. Glue the battery bearer to the enclosure.

Step 28: Assemble Clapper

Finally, glue the clapper to the enclosure.

Step 29: Finish Project

Here is the finish project of my touchless paw race timer.

Step 30: Testing

In the end, test it. The project is a complete achiever. My hands are super make clean, but you should not keep the water running while lavation hands. This project is a great project to Teach kids how important to keep clean and wash hands properly.

I hope you like my instructables. Thank you for indication this. I really appreciate it.

For more project ideas, click: 3dPrintingCenter

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